Because the finest cigar in the world is worthless after being crushed in your pocket, XIKAR now ensures you can protect your investment in full style!
Each Envoy Cigar Case holds one, two or three cigars up to 54-ring gauge each, keeping any smoke safe with a modern style all its own. With top-grain, armada leather, each piece has a well-dressed appearance and a soft feel. Contrast stitching secures the leather, giving it a contemporary look. The inner lining of the crush-proof case, crafted with genuine Spanish cedar, holds the ambient humidity of the cigar and projects the fresh cedar smell of a humidor on every opening. Stylish metal caps cover each end, reinforcing the strength of the case.
The telescoping cases can hold up to the following size of Churchill-length cigars:
Envoy Single: 1 – 60 Ring Gauge
Envoy Triple: 3 – 52 Ring Gauge or 2 – 54 Ring Gauge
High Performance Envoy 3 Cigar Case
Protect your cigar investment in luxury fashion with the crush-proof High Performance Envoy cigar case. The incognito design of the Envoy case fits in your pocket and is ideal for carrying your daily smokes, the golf course or a night out on the town. The newly redesigned Envoy case stores up to three 60 RG cigars.
- Made from top-grain leather
- Luxurious quilted design with red accent stitching
- Engine fin inspired metal cap reinforces the strength of the case
- Top-grain leather is soft, durable and easy to spot clean
- Spanish cedar lining holds ambient humidity
- Telescoping case slides from 4.25″ – 7″ to accommodate most cigar sizes including Churchill’s
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